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"The idolatry of gigantism in society"

Schumacher's book "Small is beautiful", who for forty years was the forefront of ecological economics and common sense.

The economy of gigantism and automation is a remnant of the conditions and thoughts of the 19th century, totally incapable of solving today's problems.

It is a fact that the size of cities increases, so what happens when a city begins to grow in an excessive way?

In a world that devours itself in an unhealthy way, Schumacher states that "the objective should be to achieve the greatest amount of well-being with minimum consumption"; in front of the "bigger is better" (bigger is better) fences that "small is beautiful" (small is beautiful).

Beautiful by adjusted, because it serves and does not spare, because it has more than one function; the beauty of the ecological, of the efficient.

A beauty of how simple it would be to be the opposite of the ordinariness of opulence and exhibitionism.

The road to MICROTOPIA

In a world where the problem of housing and work spaces is becoming more pronounced, and where physical space no longer exists to supply the needs that we have, it is evident that the search for solutions must look towards sides where never before I had paid attention.

The microtopy is the premise that "less is more", especially in relation to the place where we live or work and in the proper use of technology applied to those spaces.

It is the idea that another social organization is possible and living in a small place and with the right things does not have to be overwhelming, but quite the opposite.

"Production from local resources to meet local needs is the most rational form of economic life."

Schumacher proposes that new methods of production and new patterns of consumption can be developed, but above all: "a lifestyle designed for permanence".

If we analyze the investment landscape offered by NOOX and applying Schumacher's premises, we have: In NOOX, simplicity is fostered when making the rescue, restoration and rejection of a previously "produced" area, being this, the most rational form of economic life and investment and this translates into a simple, cheap, efficient and kind to invest.

"Production by the masses" instead of a "mass production". It is about creating goods and services with access for all.


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+52 55 2754 3695


Carretera Izamal - Tunkás Km 21, YUCATÁN, MÉXICO.



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